Chrome Dev Tools
Some notes on Chrome Dev Tools.
computed attributes
can check all css rules applied to one element and is overwritten, and the highest specificity.
Add Break Point to HTML
Right click on an html element -> break on ->
1 | subtree |
Event Listeners
Check any JS/React event listeners to an element.
Connect local files to source
tab, make sure files added have green dot
to persist changes between page reloads.
Click sources
, open Filesystem
, click Add folder to workplace
, choose the folder where to save local changes, allow Chrome access. Make change to the css and it will reflect the changes after page refresh.
Several different types of breakpoints.
- Breakpoints
- XHR/fetch Breakpoints, break on only some specific network calls
- Scope
- Local, where breakpoint lives
- Global
- Callback 回调
- Blackbox script 不显示某些 callback
- Watch: watch some variables, variables value will be updated.
Network Performance
- Click
when hover over networks calls, will highlightred
on which triggers and which being triggered - Waterfall
Performance API
- performance.start()
- performance.end()
- page jank
- Rail rule: Response, Animation, Idle and Load
- Use Webworker to run heavy calculations
Chrome Task Manager
Right click More tools
, right click and choose JavaScript Memory
Extra selection to console
Right click three dots
, choose Rendering
, click Paint flashing
, Frame Rendering Stats
node --inspect cmd cmd1